Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy describes how Lumer uses cookies and other technologies to provide you with the best possible experience on the website, keep your account safe, track and understand usage of the website.

We use cookies for authentication and functionality, security, preferences and features, and to conduct anonymous analytics and research. These cookies are placed automatically on your device when you visit our website, since we consider them necessary to use some key functionalities of the website. There are other cookies that we will only use with your prior consent, specifically third-party advertising cookies and analytics and research tools that collect some type of personal data. In any case, you can opt-out or delete all of them at any time.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file placed onto your device that helps us recognize you on the website and remembers your preferences. Cookies may also be set by other websites or services that run content on the specific page you’re visiting.

What types of cookies does Lumer use?

Lumer uses “session cookies” and “persistent cookies.” Session cookies are temporary cookies that are erased when you close your web browser. A persistent cookie remains on your device until it expires or until you manually delete it. We also use “first-party cookies” – cookies that are set by us – and “third-party cookies” or requests that allow other third-parties to have access to the information collected.

What are cookies used for?

Cookies are used to help us understand how our website is being utilized, to recognize you when you visit our website, remember your preferences, and to allow us to bring you relevant advertising.

Purpose Description
Authentication and Functionality These cookies help us to determine whether or not you are signed into the website and to keep you signed in as you access or use different pages and features on our website. To opt-out click here.
Security We use these cookies to enable and support security features, detect malicious activity, and protect your data from unauthorized access. To opt-out click here.
Analytics and Research These cookies are used to identify and fix errors, understand how visitors use our website, research and test different features, and analyze how visitors arrive at and use our website. To opt-out click here.

Authentication and Functionality

You may not be able to log into our site or use some functionalities if you opt-out of these cookies.

Source Personal data collected Retention Period
Lumar Session identifier, geolocation, device and IP address. 13 months


Lumar may not be able to quickly address errors or know that an error is occurring if you opt-out of these cookies.

Source Personal data collected Retention Period
? We use tools to protect our site from security threats. No personal data is collected 13 months
? We use for error tracking Session

Analytics and Research

We ask your opt-in consent for certain analytic cookies that collect some type of personal data. The rest of the analytic cookies do not collect any personally identifiable information, but are necessary for us to understand how visitors interact with our website and to be able to optimize our website and licensed content. In any case, you can opt-out of all our analytic cookies at any time and carry on browsing normally.

Source Personal data collected Retention Period
Crazy Egg These cookies are used to collect website statistics and track conversion rates. No personally identifiable information is collected. 1 month/180 days
Google These cookies are used to collect website statistics and track conversion rates. No personally identifiable information is collected. 1 month/180 days
Google Analytics We use Google Analytics to generate statistical data on how our visitors use our website. We use IP masking to ensure that no personally identifiable information is collected. Session/2 years
Segment We use Segment to better understand users’ interaction with our Site. Information collected includes device type and IP address.
Delighted We use Delighted to track Buyer and Seller NPS. We use information previously collected by G2 including name and email to better analyze this data

Do Not Track Signals

Lumar does not currently respond to ‘do not track’ signals.

You can control and delete these cookies through your browser settings as follows:

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox



Microsoft Internet Explorer

Safari for iOS (iPhone and iPad)

Chrome for Android

Windows Phone


Your choices

To opt-out of analytic cookies you can also use the following tools:

Type of cookie Source Opt-Out tools
Analytics and Research Google Analytics Link for opt-out

You can also contact us if you have questions or need support to opt-out.


We will keep working on providing more choices and information on our privacy practices, but if you have questions or concerns regarding our use of cookies you can contact us at: